Worry Ladder - Elsa Support

Worry Ladder

The Worry Ladder is a creative tool designed to assist children in understanding and managing their worries. This visual aid allows children to rank their worries on a scale from 1 to 10.  10 representing significant concerns and 1 being smaller, more manageable worries. Not only does it provide a structured way for children to express their anxieties, but it also empowers them to take steps to reduce their worries and move down the scale.

Encourage the child to think about and write down or draw what’s causing them to worry on the ladder. For example, if they’re anxious about a school test, they can place that worry on the ladder at an appropriate level.

Once the worries are placed on the ladder, discuss possible solutions or actions that can be taken to address each concern. Encourage the child to brainstorm ideas.

Remind the child that it’s okay to seek help and talk to trusted adults about their worries. Sometimes, sharing concerns with parents, teachers, or friends can make a big difference.

For worries ranked high on the ladder (closer to 10), help the child break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. Achieving smaller goals can lead to a sense of accomplishment and a decrease in anxiety. How can they come down one step on the ladder?

Teach the child simple relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualisation. This will help them stay calm when facing their worries. These techniques can be effective in reducing anxiety.

Download: Worry ladder

"There is a good variety to cover different aspects of well being. The children enjoy using them, there are different types of resources for different ages They aren’t just worksheets. They are inexpensive to buy. Often free."

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